

Karen-Jane Dudley

IZVG Station House Parkwood Street Keighley West Yorkshire BD21 4NQ

  • Areas of Expertise:
  • Veterinary Services


International Zoo Veterinary Group (IZVG) is the largest full time freelance zoological veterinary practice in the world.

Founded in 1976, by David Taylor and Andrew Greenwood, the practice remains at the forefront of zoological medicine.

Based in Yorkshire in the UK, IZVG works with zoos, parks and marine lands around the world, treating wild, rare and endangered species.

As well as providing a clinical veterinary service, we also offer a dedicated zoo and wildlife pathology service, staffed by two full-time specialised veterinary pathologists, backed up by a commercial veterinary laboratory. 

Due to the wealth of experience the vets have gathered, IZVG has developed its own range of nutritional supplements called Zoovet Products including the popular Aquavits for marine animals and hard-to-source products such as salt tablets.

IZVG also offers a research service to clients needing professional help in areas other than veterinary. We can help with legislative issues, new acquisition feasibility, data handling and proof-reading, customised to each collection's needs and complementing our clinical service.

In recent years, we have become increasingly involved in providing veterinary support for conservation projects in developing countries, including Nigeria, Cameroon, Paraguay, Mauritius, the Seychelles, Russia, Indonesia and the Caribbean Islands. Our work is closely linked with conservation charity Wildlife Vets International. John Lewis, Johanna Storm and Andrew Greenwood, have all worked on valuable projects helping protect endangered species in the wild. Specialist veterinary knowledge is vital to these projects, which we are perfectly placed to provide.

IZVG is a Gold Corporate Member